<div style="height: 300px; -ms-overflow-y: auto;"><p>http://www.orlandosentinel.com/topic/metro-orlando/polk-county-ORLS0033-topic.html</p> <p>We are currently awaiting a court date for the PCSO department to obtain custody of the above animals.&nbsp; When and if custody is awarded to the PCSO Faith Equine Rescue along with Hope Equine Rescue will be waiting to move these babies to their forever and foster homes.&nbsp; Several of them are not stable enough to be placed as of yet therefore they will need to come into the rescue settings&nbsp; Donations will be needed as many are heavy in foal and the concerns of complications are there.&nbsp; The concern of the unknown vet bills are worrisome along with the care&nbsp;(feed, hay, supplements etc) that are going to&nbsp;be needed for their care.&nbsp; Please consider visiting our donation page&nbsp;and donating towards their care when&nbsp;custody is obtained&nbsp; We do have other horses currently in our care so please consider towards donating to their care also.&nbsp;</p> <p>***** If you are interested in adoption or fostering one of these babies please fill out our adoption application and sent it in immediately.&nbsp;</p></div>